Most Anticipated Books for 2016 (August – December)

These are the books I am most looking forward to in this next half year! As they come out and I read them I will link to the reviews for the books. (As spoiler free as I can make it!)

Empire of Storms – Sarah J Maasp1030855

This book was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed it and have got my review (spoiler free!) if you are interested in reading it. You can read it here.

Gemina – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

I read Illuminae earlier this year and it was fantastic. My review where I rave about it is here. Gemina comes out in October and I am super keen to see what it is like. I have a signed copy coming in a The YA Chronicles box that is specially made for Gemina, with fanmade items, things from the publisher. I’m keen that its signed because I got Illuminae signed earlier this year!

You can preorder Gemina here.

Heartless – Marissa Meyer

Being an avid fan of The Lunar Chronicles written by Marissa Meyer I am super keen to see what Heartless is like! It comes out in November and I am so looking forward to it! Its a portrayal of the Queen of Hearts story and I wonder how it will go.

You can preorder Heartless here.

A Million Worlds With You – Claudia Gray

How awful was the cliff hanger for Ten Thousand Skies Above You? I need to know what happens with Marguerite and Paul and ahh! This book is the final in the trilogy and I have no idea how it is going to end! Hopefully everything gets resolved. The first two books were fantastic and I look forward to reading the 3rd!

You can preorder A Million Worlds with You here.